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Discover the secret of AI-powered profitable growth at Outperform 2023

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The PROS Outperform Conference is an annual event that brings together industry leaders and experts from around the world to share insights, best practices, and innovative ideas related to pricing, sales, and revenue management. This year's conference will feature three tracks that focus on driving profitable growth, capitalizing on the omnichannel opportunity, and selling to the empowered B2B customer.

Track 1: Drive Profitable Growth

One of the biggest challenges facing B2B organizations today is how to increase profit and revenue in uncertain markets. Companies must manage both sides of the margin equation – cost and price – to not only survive but thrive. The Driving Profitable Growth track will explore how companies are using the latest technology and strategy content to bring all aspects of profit into focus and drive significant uplift.

Attendees will learn about the latest trends and best practices in cost management and pricing, including how to use data and analytics to optimize pricing and sales strategies. They will also explore how to leverage rebates to drive profitable growth and learn how to use technology to streamline pricing processes.

Overall, the Driving Profitable Growth track will provide attendees with practical knowledge and skills that can help them drive revenue growth and improve their business performance.

Track 2: Capitalize on the Omnichannel Opportunity

Digital technologies are reshaping how businesses transact, and in 2023, online sales are expected to surpass those that rely on a salesperson. The Capitalizing on the Omnichannel Opportunity track will explore how B2B organizations can capitalize on the latest trends in omni-channel selling to reach their customers where they are.

Attendees will learn how to empower their end-customers with self-serve configuration and provide revenue and margin optimized pricing in real-time. They will also explore how to use data and analytics to personalize the customer experience across all channels and touchpoints.

In addition, attendees will learn about the latest trends and best practices in omni-channel selling in both manufacturing and distribution. They will explore how to leverage technology to integrate pricing and sales data across all channels and touchpoints, and how to use data and analytics to optimize the customer experience and drive revenue growth.

Overall, the Capitalizing on the Omnichannel Opportunity track will provide attendees with practical knowledge and skills that can help them stay ahead of the competition in an increasingly digital and omnichannel world.

Track 3: Sell to the Empowered B2B Customer

The power dynamic in B2B sales is shifting from a seller-centric approach to a buyer-centric approach, with empowered customers now in control. The Selling to the Empowered B2B Customer track will explore how B2B organizations can adapt to this new reality and provide the quality of experience that empowered customers expect.

Attendees will learn about the latest trends and best practices in B2B sales, including how to simplify the sales process, personalize every offer, and develop long-term, profitable customer relationships. They will explore how to use technology to provide intuitive, performant tools that meet and exceed buyer expectations, and how to use data and analytics to optimize the customer experience and drive revenue growth.

In addition, attendees will learn how to use technology to streamline the sales process, from lead generation to deal closing, and how to leverage data and analytics to optimize the sales funnel and improve conversion rates.

Overall, the Selling to the Empowered B2B Customer track will provide attendees with practical knowledge and skills that can help them adapt to the shifting power dynamic in B2B sales and provide the quality of experience that empowered customers expect.

In conclusion, Outperform 2023 is a must-attend event for B2B professionals and executives who want to discover the secret of AI powered profitable growth. Click here to learn more and to register today.

About the Author

Kaitlynn Brancato, Industry Solutions Marketing Manager at PROS, leads the go-to-market strategy for both the manufacturing and distribution verticals. Kaitlynn has more than five years of B2B software marketing experience and is passionate about technology and advocating the value of profit optimization software to companies within her breadth of industries.

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